on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers

Introduction by Joe Cornish

Joe, A Photographer at Work

“Is stills photography a communication media, a two dimensional documentary recording process, a window on memory, or possibly an art? Photography does tend to defy definition, and that is part of its appeal. What we can define is that there is a committed and enthusiastic group of people in the UK and worldwide who use their cameras to photograph landscape. Their methods are wide-ranging and multi-faceted, and the style of their work infinitely varied. They both document the world they see, and yet also interpret it, for themselves, for their friends and family, and for future generations.

My own experience of photographing landscape is that what began quite simply as a way of adding a creative element to a walk or simply being outside, grew to become a whole way of life. As an eye-witness to the shape of the land, the seasonal cycles, the variety of habitats and the extraordinary variety that arises on the planet, we become engaged by it and ultimately connected to it. This sense of connection feeds back through our photographs, giving us new conversations and communication with both people we know, and now with complete strangers via the Internet.

On Landscape hopes to provide a focus for anyone with an enthusiasm and love for photographing landscape and for what follows that process."

"Who is On Landscape? Firstly, this is the brainchild of Tim Parkin, an unreconstructed IT wizard (geek?) who has the wherewithal to create something as complicated as an interactive website. Although relatively new to landscape photography, Tim’s addiction, sorry, devotion to the subject drove him to create this magazine. His endless sense of curiosity will ensure there is a never-ending supply of stories, topics and ideas to explore. Joe Cornish is a grizzled and weather-beaten landscape photographer from the old school who has been dragged kicking and screaming into the digital and internet age. His enthusiasm for landscape remains undimmed and his interest in the nuts and bolts of photography qualifies him as a bit of an anorak, even if he would rather be an artist. In rally-driving parlance, Tim is LandscapeGB’s driver, Joe the navigator.

We hope in time that On Landscape will develop its own momentum, with contributions from anyone and everyone from the British landscape photography community who wishes to participate.”

I am regular contributor to On Landscape, so please take the time to read or watch the articles. Click here.

- Joe Cornish

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL. Midge Specs, midge net glasses from the Highlands.